On Page Optimization in SEO

 On Site or On Page optimization deals with the process of making the web pages clear and easy to access for the bot. It is the optimization taking place inside the web page. Where as, Off Page optimization deals with optimization process outside the web page which is done to increase the rating. 


A HTML mainly consists of head part and body part. Head part consists of URL, title and meta description and body part contains the content. Google first analysis the URL, from which it gets a hint about that web page. Then it analyze the title and the meta description followed by the content. Thus it get the clear idea of that web page. The search engine results listed in the Google is called a snippet, which consists of URL, title and description. In mobiles, favicon is also shown in the snippet. At first, head section is optimized. On Page optimization methods involves,

1) Title Optimization 

Factors taken into account during title optimization is that, there must be no spelling or grammatical mistakes. It must not be full capital or full small letters. Number of characters are limited to 55- 60. Google search box capacity is 70 characters and pixel width is 512. If the title is more than 512 pixel, google will show the exceeding characters as dots which is very un attractive to the viewers. The title must be unique and relevant to the content. It must have focusing keywords.

Search console, old name is google web masters tool, is a google provided free console which is a platform for google to report the mistakes or errors of a web page.


2) Meta description Optimization 

If Google find our meta description as in appropriate or irrelevant, it takes the h1 or h2 tag titles as the meta description. Hence the meta description must be attractive, it must have focusing keywords. There should be no spelling or grammatical mistakes. In meta description, character limitation of a blog is 155 (since published date is also included in it by the google) where for web pages, it is 155- 160 characters. The pixel width limitation of a meta description is 1024 pixel. Robot meta tags are used to give instructions to the bot, whether to index or follow a page. Click through rate (CTR) is the percentage rate of number of impression to number of clicks.

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"/>

3) Body section Optimization 

The main heading is the  most important part in a body section.  This heading or h1 tag can have 7 to 8 words. It must be free from spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Only one h1 tag should be present. It can have matching keywords. If more than one h1 tag is present and is contradictory to each other then it will be confusing for the viewer and bot. Hence Google crawl and save this type of pages into a temporary database called sandbox.

Only one h2 tag is enough. In case  of large articles, more than one h2 tags can be used. After h2 tag, h3 and h4 tags will be analyzed by google. These all tags must be relevant to the content.

4) Anchor Optimization 

Use of anchor tags that adds hyperlinks, boost up the crawling process of that page. Our focusing keywords must not be used as Anchor text , which leads the viewers to another website that also uses the same keywords. This is because google takes the links to other sites as a recommendation votes thus our website will loss its rating.


5) Keyword Optimization 

Keyword density is the number of time the keyword is used in a web page. Google does not take into account the keyword density but keywords must be used one or more times for better ranking. According to the old school SEO practice, focusing keywords are made bold and used before a coma or a full stop in order to increase the ranking. But these practices are not approved by Google for ranking.

6) Image Optimization  

Mainly it consists of file name, alt attribute and content. File name must be same as the alternate attribution. For writing the image name, hyphen must be used instead of space in case of two words. eg: image-name.png

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